Tuesday 23 August 2011

Well here we are again on the balcony...

I've called this blog 'Waldorf and Stadler Ride Again', since my good lady wife tells me that I'm getting to be as grumpy and carnaptious as the pair of them put together.

So from time to time I am going to vent as much spleen as I can spare on this blog.  That is, if I am sufficiently pissed off, or cynically motivated, or just want to insult some dickhead or other.

I find my blood pressure raised increasingly by the shit service that companies seem to think we should accept nowadays for the dubious pleasure of access to their products.  So

Rant #1

Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Ryanair, British Telecom to name but a few, when are you going to go back to the concept of


as opposed to

Customers will take what we want them to take and if they don't like it, they can fuck off!!

I really would appreciate an answer, although I don't expect one!

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